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Outstanding Education and care in your area

The Orchard

Our orchard was planted in 2014 and we were delighted to pick our first fruits in 2015. 


This year we have had another bumper crop of apples, pears and plums and the children have picked, pealed, pressed, cooked and eaten them.


The orchard provides a tranquil space to sit, listen and observe the wider environment. 


The children have opportunities to study the fruit, leaves, stems, trunks and with using different mediums to create their own interpretations.


Mini-beast habitats are situated within the area to instigate investigations and make discoveries. 

Edible Garden

At Young Haymakers we regularly grow seasonal fruit and vegetables throughout the year.  This provides the children with unique opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding regarding sowing seed, potting on, planting, growth and harvesting throughout the rhythm of the seasons. 


Our unique location provides the children with regular opportunities to observe the farmers work the land, from ploughing, sowing and combine harvesting.

   Homemade Food

The children have ample opportunities to cook and bake using our produce to create snacks and other delights to enjoy at the nursery or take home. 


All staff hold an up-to-date food  safety and hygiene qualification to ensure correct and effective handling of food when preparing and making meals and snacks. 

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